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Courses of study offered in the School


  • Part I School Offers the following language – Tamil (Compulsory)

  • Part II English Compulsory for all

  • Part I and II are compulsory for all.

  • Part III General Education.


Courses offered in Higher Secondary


  • Maths Group -- Maths, Physics, Chemistry & Biology

  • Computer Group -- Maths, Physics, Chemistry & Computer Science

  • Science Group -- Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology


Purchase of Text Book and Note Books


  • The prescribed text-books and note books for classes L.K.G to IX and only note books for classes X to XII should be purchased from school book depot. Note books bearing the school emblem and name only should be used.


  • All the books and note books issued in school are obtainable from or through school depot. All transactions are by cash only. Also the text books and note books prescribed for the various classes will be sold only as a complete set.


  • Fees prescribed as per government regulations should be paid.

Code of  Conduct

✔ C.S.I School is a shrine of learning. All the students are equally moulded with ardent love and individual care. Everyone should respect the members of teaching and non-teaching faculty.

✔ The school hours are from 9.10 a.m. to 3.35 p.m. All the students should be at the school before 9.00 a.m. Late comers should meet the Principal & on stating the reason can receive a pass and enter the classroom (Van Students Exempted).

✔ As learning takes place successfully in a disciplined class, we give utmost importance to the discipline of the students.

✔ Be respectful to every teacher. Be grateful towards those who taught in the past. Show your reverence by greeting the teaching and non-teaching faculty.

✔ When the students speak to the elders or teachers, they are always expected to stand erect, not lounge with their hands in their pockets. Arguing with teachers and elders is not a decent practice.

✔ When students leave the classroom for intervals or for library or laboratory or physical education classes, they should go in a line, in order and in silence. Always keep left while going up or coming down the stairs.

✔ Students are expected to communicate only in English among themselves and the teachers.

✔ Maintain silence in and outside of the class. In case of any teacher's delay, the students should be seated inside the class room and revise the lessons.

✔ Modesty in dressing will be strictly noted. Uniform, must be clean and ironed and shoes must be polished. Hair must be neatly groomed. Decorative hair style or any makeup by applying of hair fixer, etc. that degrades the uniform will not be tolerated and is liable to be fined / suspended from school. Wearing low hip pants is not permitted. Students in improper uniform will face disciplinary action.

✔ Students must keep not only their class rooms but the entire school campus neat and tidy. They should be particularly careful to avoid littering the campus. Students may make use of bins provided in each classroom as well as in the campus.

✔ Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Use drinking water, taps and restrooms properly and neatly. Damages and wastages may be reported to the office for confidential and constructive action.

✔ Don't alter the position of benches, desks or tables in the class rooms. Writing or scribbling on walls, desks, dirtying class rooms and surroundings or damaging any school property is forbidden. Any school property damaged by students must be replaced or its cost will be recovered.

✔ Mob gathering and indisciplinary activities will be considered as serious offences. Students from one class are not allowed to enter in other class rooms during interval.

✔ Use of motorised two/three/four wheelers by students is prohibited. Violation of this will be seriously dealt with.

✔ Students are not allowed to bring Mobile phone, ipod, pendrive, CDs' or any other electronic gadgets to school.

✔ Students are strictly forbidden to bring to school any books, newspapers, magazines or any other articles not prescribed by the teachers.

 âœ” The school does not accept responsibility for the loss of books, money, clothes etc.

✔ Each child is responsible for his/her own belongings. Parents are advised not to allow their children to bring any valuables to school. The students are not permitted to wear gold chain, pendants, ear drops, finger rings, bangles, bracelets, fancy ornaments etc. in the school campus. Girls are allowed to wear ear studs.

✔ Ragging, taking drugs in any form, smoking and chewing betel nut, supari or tobacco products and consumption of alcohol are strictly forbidden / will attract disciplinary actions.

✔ Students should enter the homework or topics taught, in the diary and get it signed by the parent every day.

✔ Students must always carry a hanky with them. They also must bring a spoon (KG-I) and lunch towel along with their lunch.

✔ Every student-should take part in co-curricular and extracurricular activities conducted. The following Co/Extracurricular activities are offered: Sports, Games, Chess, Instrumental music, Robotics AI Coding, Dance, Vedic Maths, NEET JEE foundation course, English Club, JRC, NGC, Scout & Guides etc.

✔ It is compulsory for the students to take part in all functions celebrated in our school especially Sports Day, School Annual Day, Christmas Day, Onam, Pongal, etc... Attendance is compulsory on all important celebration days.

✔ Never make fun of the slow learners or the physically challenged. Set a good example to your fellow students.

✔ When the Principal enquires about the conduct of another student, be frank in giving the details.

✔ The co-operation of all the parents is expected in ensuring the student's regular and punctual attendance, good general behaviour and execution of home works allotted.

✔ Parents/Guardians are advised to meet the teachers only between 3:35 pm. to 4.00 pm, on all week days. They are expected to come to school and sign the progress report of the first and second term examination.

✔ Parents are requested to attend the PTA meetings without fail.

✔ Any change of address or phone numbers should be informed to the school office , in written, without delay.

✔ Presentation of gifts to members of the staff and students requires prior permission from the Principal.

✔ Students going for private tution is not encouraged by the school.



✔ A Disciplinary Commitee is set up in the school to deal with any indisciplinary actions of a student by the following steps:
Initial step is personal counseling by the Class teacher /Vice- Principal /Principal/Counselor

✔ Secondly, discussing with the parents regarding the misbehaviour of the students.

✔ Finally, the disciplinary committee shall look into the matter and take necessary action.



✔ School fees will be collected in three instalments
First Instalment       : May 20th-30th
Second Instalment  : October 1st-10th
Third Instalment       : January 1st-10th
A fine will be collected from the students who remit the fees after these dates.


A written leave application should be submitted to the class teacher before taking leave for pre planned programmes. This should be noted down in the 'Absence Record' in the diary by the parent and get it signed by the class teacher on the day when the student returns. If a student is absent due to illness or unavoidable reasons for more than 3 days, the class teacher must be informed without delay and a Medical certificate has to be produced, on return.


Term and Mid-Term examinations, and slip tests are conducted as per the CCE (Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation)


Students should complete 3 years as on 31st July of that academic year for LKG and 5 years for Standard I.


✔ The school reserves the right to remove a student from the rolls on grounds of irregular attendance, habitual lack of application, indiscipline and objectionable behaviour not in keeping with the spirit of C.S.I School. Students guilty of any malpractice at examination will be immediately suspended from the school.

Code OF Conduct
Text Book Link

Click Here For Text Books Link

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